What an inspiring journey we had at the Master Workshop Batch 5 & 6 with PT Pamapersada from October 8-11 in Balikpapan! Let’s take a look back at the highlights that made this experience truly memorable.
We dove into hands-on activities that sparked creativity and collaboration among participants. The atmosphere was electric, with everyone eager to learn and engage.
Koneksi dibuat, ide-ide dipertukarkan, dan keterampilan ditingkatkan! Sesi interaktif memupuk rasa kebersamaan, memungkinkan peserta untuk berbagi wawasan mereka dan belajar satu sama lain.
Pelatih ahli kami memberikan wawasan berharga yang dapat langsung digunakan peserta dalam karier mereka, memastikan bahwa keterampilan yang diperoleh selama lokakarya memiliki dampak jangka panjang.
Saat yang menonjol adalah ketika Kepala Pamapersada Nusantara CCKM, I Gede Eke, membagikan pesan yang menginspirasi, menekankan pentingnya pembelajaran dan pengembangan berkelanjutan untuk kesuksesan tim kami. Kata-katanya sangat mengena, memotivasi semua orang untuk menyambut pembelajaran seumur hidup.
Teams collaborated on exciting projects, showcasing their new skills in action. It was incredible to see how quickly participants applied what they learned, demonstrating their commitment to growth.
We’re so proud of everyone who participated and took the leap to elevate their skills. Your enthusiasm and dedication truly made this workshop a success.
Thank you for being part of the Master Workshop! Stay tuned for more exciting opportunities to grow together and continue this journey of skill elevation!