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We help company radically harness their needs


We help company radically harness their needs



Our services are essential for optimizing HR functions and aligning them with business goals. It enhances recruitment, performance management, and compensation structures while ensuring legal compliance and mitigating risks. We strive to improve employee relations and engagement, support training and leadership development, and integrate HR technology, driving organizational efficiency, productivity, and growth.

SMART Knowledge Management

SMART Knowledge Management

Manajemen Pengetahuan adalah inisiatif strategis untuk mendukung pencapaian tujuan bisnis dan prioritas organisasi melalui pengelolaan aset paling penting perusahaan.

SMART Knowledge Components

KM Assessment

KM Assessment

KM Assessment

Blue Print & Roadmap

Blue Print & Roadmap

Blue Print & Roadmap

Strategic Session

Strategic Session

Strategic Session

Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR)

Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR)

SMART Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR) is carried out to make significant changes and transformations within an organization by optimizing, simplifying, and refining existing business processes.

SMART BPR aims to fundamentally rethink and redesign business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical aspects such as cost, quality, service, and speed. It leverages modern technology and innovative approaches to eliminate inefficiencies, reduce redundancies, and create streamlined workflows that enhance overall organizational performance.

BPR Components

Strategic Alignment

Strategic Alignment

Strategic Alignment

Measurable Improvements

Measurable Improvements

Measurable Improvements

Achievable Goals

Achievable Goals

Achievable Goals

Resource Optimization

Resource Optimization

Resource Optimization

Time-bound Objectives

Time-bound Objectives

Time-bound Objectives

Organization Structure Audit

Organization Structure Audit

Organizational structure audit is a comprehensive evaluation of an organization’s framework, focusing on its hierarchy, roles, responsibilities, communication channels, and processes. The primary goal of such an audit is to assess how well the current structure supports the organization’s strategic objectives, operational efficiency, and overall performance. Here’s an overview of what an organizational structure audit entails:


Identifying Inefficiencies

Identifying Inefficiencies

Identifying Inefficiencies

Facilitating Growth and Scalability

Facilitating Growth and Scalability

Facilitating Growth and Scalability

Improving Alignment

Improving Alignment

Improving Alignment

Benchmarking and Best Practices

Benchmarking and Best Practices

Benchmarking and Best Practices

Organization Competency Dictionary & Training Matrix

Organization Competency Dictionary & Training Matrix

Organization Competency Dictionary is a comprehensive reference tool that defines the skills, behaviors, knowledge, and attributes required for employees to perform their roles effectively within an organization. It outlines the competencies needed at various levels and across different functions, ensuring that employees understand the expectations and requirements for their positions.

A Training Matrix is a tool used to plan, track, and manage the training and development activities of employees within an organization. It maps out the training requirements for different roles and individuals, ensuring that all necessary skills and competencies are addressed through appropriate training programs.

Why Do We Need Organization Competency Dictionary & Training Matrix?

Standardization and Alignment

Standardization and Alignment

Standardization and Alignment

Performance and Career Management

Performance and Career Management

Performance and Career Management

Talent Management and Recruitment

Talent Management and Recruitment

Talent Management and Recruitment

Structured Planning and Resource Allocation

Structured Planning and Resource Allocation

Structured Planning and Resource Allocation

Tracking, Accountability, and Compliance

Tracking, Accountability, and Compliance

Tracking, Accountability, and Compliance

Performance Improvement and Employee Development

Performance Improvement and Employee Development

Performance Improvement and Employee Development

Tertarik? Jadilah mitra kami

Tertarik? Jadilah mitra kami

Jadilah klien kami untuk memaksimalkan target dan potensi perusahaan Anda

Jadilah klien kami untuk memaksimalkan target dan potensi perusahaan Anda


Office 88, Lt. 7 Suites 7A,

Kasablanka Tower A

Jl. Raya Casablanca No. Kav. 88

RT.16/RW5, Menteng Dalam, Tebet

Jakarta Selatan, 12870

© 2024 KMPlus | Powered by KMPlus


Office 88, Lt. 7 Suites 7A,

Kasablanka Tower A

Jl. Raya Casablanca No. Kav. 88

RT.16/RW5, Menteng Dalam, Tebet

Jakarta Selatan, 12870

© 2024 KMPlus | Powered by KMPlus


Office 88, Lt. 7 Suites 7A,

Kasablanka Tower A

Jl. Raya Casablanca No. Kav. 88

RT.16/RW5, Menteng Dalam, Tebet

Jakarta Selatan, 12870

© 2024 KMPlus | Powered by KMPlus